V.e.m. Spor Merkezi Tekirdağ
V.e.m. Spor Merkezi Tekirdağ
Vem Sports Center Tekirdag is a strong fitness club founded in 2003. It is the best way to stay in health, fitness and fitness. With the sports experience it provides to the fitness center to thousands of people from almost every environment, it also offers a modern entertainment mode for people of all ages.
Location : Vem Sports Center Tekirdağ is located in the city of Tekirdağ, in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey, with the infrastructure it recommends and the palette it provides.
Service Quality : Vem Sports Center aims to increase the quality standards with the professional services provided to us by our competent staff in Tekirdağ. Among the services offered are; morning, evening and weekend hours, weekly training programs, surprise prizes, free usage opportunities, extra exploration activities and activities.
Our Purpose : Vem Sports Center Tekirdag aims to provide a quality environment in order to achieve advanced international standards to strengthen personal and team well-being. They also have the desire to provide our customers with the latest sports information and solutions, as well as keeping the infrastructure and equipment up to date. Our team provides experience and support to inspire our clients in private or group situations.
Vem Sports Center Tekirdağ has the best position in its class, matching with other sports clubs in Istanbul. We are defensive and at the same time, we work with a dynamic team, and we set our main goal to provide the best service to our customers by taking joint action.
Customer Reviews
meto gs
- 08.04.2023
- 07.01.2023
Rational Man
Burak hocanın müridleriyiz????????
- 11.12.2022
Selahattin Goktan
Köklü bir salon, deneyimli ve bilgili çalışanları var
- 24.09.2022
Zeynep Eligul
- 21.09.2022