Ortotek Ortopedi
Ortotek Ortopedi
Ortotek Orthopedics , founded in 2003, is the sector leader in the field of Oral and Dental Health located in Ankara Çankaya. It was established to eliminate the problems in the natural evolution process, to give devices, to treat and to give hope to orthopedic patients.
The advantages of working with us include the best treatment of patients by private doctors and stomatologists in the coordination of the self-employed, as well as the support provided by our specialized facilities with high standards of equipment based on the latest developments in healthcare technology.
With an efficient service network consisting of experienced and duly prepared modules, we approach each patient with care according to the individual situation. We ensure that the treatment of each patient is carried out in the best and fastest way, by publishing modern tools and technological news in the world through constantly developing technology. With the imography-data documents, the development and history of the Disorders can be better looked at. However, it provides the right treatments with 100% certainty that we offer the customer at the stage of delivery of services and products.
Ortotek Orthopedics not only aims to create a safer work environment with the proactive role of doctors, nurses, dentists and customer service personnel, but also offers special solutions for customer satisfaction. Ortotek Orthopedics is proud to provide the highest quality services to its customers and to assist the patients in the most ideal way in the treatment process, with the principle of "Give Hope to the Patients".
Customer Reviews
Numan Gülen
- 03.02.2022
Akliniz varsa degnekle yuruyun tekerlekli sandalye kullanin ama bu markayi kullanmayin 1yil oldu 2 ay kullanabildim hep serviste yaptik diyorlar bir hafta gecmiyor yine ayni problem aktif vakum sistemi protezi eski protezle idare ediyorum cunku sigorta yeni protez karsilamiyor siz bana cektiyorsunuzya hic birsey demiyorum ALLAHA havele ediyorum sizi
- 21.08.2020
نورشان السعدي
çok tatlı tıkla
- 26.03.2019
- 18.11.2018
Azem Emrah Kılıç
- 03.10.2018
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