Mermer Medikal
Mermer Medikal
Marble Medical
Mermer Medikal started to provide health services to Adıyaman in 2015 at its location in Kahta, and serves the health and pharmacy sector. Since its inception, it attaches the highest importance to quality and receives most data directly from healthcare professionals.
Marble Medikal provides health services by supplying drugs to both pharmacies and clinics. It also provides blood tests, procedures and other wellness supplies tailored to patient needs.
The firm emphasizes that its employees have always adopted the health and safety policy as our priority and have carefully designed it to implement a consistent policy.
Mermer Medikal aims to provide more comprehensive services to its customers with its new human resources, adhering to its mission to provide conscious health services, which is one of the most important parts of developing the goal of sensitive protection.
Since Marble Medikal is closed every morning until working hours and all week except weekends, it provides uninterrupted service. All customers are here to assist you and are always happy to work with you.
Customer Reviews
Ahmet Kazanç
- 27.08.2021
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