Malatya Diş Hekimleri Odası

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Malatya Diş Hekimleri Odası

  • 3.5
The Chamber of Dentists was established in 1997 and is an independent health unit in Malatya. We are ready to try all kinds of ways to provide health care at a high level and professionally with the wide education and experience of our doctors. Our primary goal is to develop joint working groups and practices to improve relations between dentists, especially oral and dental health, to share and solve problems. Thus, it is very important to support individual and collective development and to help increase social welfare. Malatya Chamber of Dentists carries out various programs and projects together with national and international organizations, especially the Turkish Dental Association.

In general, the main purpose of Dentistry is; people with the potential to access oral and dental health in the best conditions. Malatya Chamber of Dentists also organizes personal, group and community-oriented activities in order to support research and studies on this subject.

A Healthy and Happy Life : Malatya Chamber of Dentists helps to reach oral and dental health with its services based on industry, hospital, high school and university. Our Chamber also works with relevant institutions and organizations to play a leading role in contributing to a healthy and happy life in the society.

Supportive Quality Policy: Our vision is to ensure that the public has access to oral and dental health in a qualified, adequate and accessible way. As a result of this, as Malatya Chamber of Dentists; In terms of complementary services, we focus on a comprehensive supportive quality policy, making use of technology and new approaches. A careful policy is followed in order to protect and improve the continuity of health in the society and the importance of participation in education in this field is emphasized.

Customer Reviews
hfz Can
  • Aile hekimiyim.Bazı hastalar diş hekimim bana "git aile hekimine antibyotik yazdır." Yada özel reçeteyi verip "git aile hekimine yazdır." dediklerine şahit oluyoruz. Sanırım bir çok aile hekimi bunu yaşamıştır.Lütfen bu konuda deontolojiye uygun olan bir uygulama olması için gerekli bilgilendirmeyi oda olarak yapınız.Öyle yönlendiren arkadaşımız varsa bunu yapmasın! Hastayı "alacaklı" gibi başka bir hekime sorun çıkartacak şekilde yönlendirmeyelim...

  • 2
    • 18.10.2022
    • Sağüst çene azı dişim 2013 te bir iş kazasında dışa dönmüştü başprmağımla tutup yerine oturttum düzelttim ve tuttu. İki yıldır onun kanalından 15 gündebir iltihaplı kan emince geliyor. Biraz sonra Duruyor. Bu dişimin düzgün şekilde eski yerine oturtulup yapıştırılma ihtimali. Varmıdır çekildikten sonra oluşacak çirkin görüntüyü implantla örtebilirmiyiz.

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