Isparta Gençlik Ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü
Isparta Gençlik Ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü
Isparta Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports is a fitness club established in Isparta in 2003. We always energize our members for their ability to be safe, healthy and fit. We also offer classes in climbing, swimming, athletics and other movements. Today, we respond to the needs of users to seek high quality service, excellent features, great results with fun.
Hospitality is the most important feature that makes us different from others for our customers. Therefore, we always welcome our guests in the best way and put hospitality at the center of our efforts. In addition, we are constantly working to improve the exceptional services we provide to our members.
Safety and Quality Standards always keep us alive without compromising compliance with national criteria in order to ensure safe environments and cleanliness standards. Putting safety first, our Fitness Club team is always monitoring our best standards and fulfilling the wishes of our dissatisfied members.
Benefiting the Participants , improving the qualifications of our members and enabling them to achieve their sporting goals constitute the purpose of our event. For this, we try to understand the demands by our members. In particular, we always welcome the conditions of our members with a warm interest.
Customer Reviews
Harun Genc
17 nisan 2023 günü saat 16 da iki çocuğumla futbol sahasında futbol oynamak için gittik , top oynamak yasak denilerek kapıdan çevrildik.
- 17.04.2023
Prenses Nazlisu
Mükkemmel 2 yıldır gittim
- 29.10.2022
pınar kaya
Çocukların gençlerin zamanlarını en iyi değerlendirecekleri yer ☺️
- 17.08.2022
hüseyin çelik
Sizin yüzunuzden bu sehirden başarali bir adam çıkmaz , çıkamaz . "Çimlere basmak yasak" ne demek ya yazıklar olsun hepinize
- 20.06.2022
İsmail Kurt
- 20.06.2022